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Jets produced by the initial hard scattering in heavy ion collision events
lose energy due to interactions with the color-deconfined medium formed around
them: the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Jet-medium interactions constitute an
important theoretical and experimental field for studies of QGP, and various
models with different assumptions have been proposed to describe them. A fair
and direct comparison of these models requires that all other aspects of the
simulation be fixed, which is achieved in this work by relying on the JETSCAPE
framework. We employ JETSCAPE to directly and comprehensively compare two
successful energy loss models: CUJET and MARTINI. We compare the models with
the results of measurements of jet spectra and substructure observables. With
the strong coupling tuned separately, we find that the two models broadly agree
with each other in nuclear modification factors for charged hadrons and jets
with cone size $R=0.4$. Systematic differences are reported in fragmentation
functions, jet shape, and cone size dependent jet $R_{\mathrm{AA}}$.
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