Well done. You've clicked the tower. This would actually achieve something if you had logged in first. Use the key for that. The name takes you home. This is where all the applicables sit. And you can't apply any changes to my site unless you are logged in.
Our policy is best summarized as "we don't care about _you_, we care about _them_", no emails, so no forgetting your password. You have no rights. It's like you don't even exist. If you publish material, I reserve the right to remove it, or use it myself.
Don't impersonate. Don't name someone involuntarily. You can lose everything if you cross the line, and no, I won't cancel your automatic payments first, so you'll have to do it the hard way. See how serious this sounds? That's how serious you're meant to take these.
April 16, 2023, 3:11 a.m.
Relationships between others of the first degree, with the first degree's first degree others. Mutual self-proprietary. Concordance as group organisation. Natural Succession. Or inherited knowledge.
How to do what is always out of your hands like it's supposed to be, because it is to some and they care how it comes. You as in what you could say as between you and those you call you.
Aug. 10, 2023, 12:35 p.m.
Routine robberies are either when the robbery happens like a routine or when the robbery happens routinely, both are required for each.
Aug. 22, 2023, 9:58 a.m.
A pippi-long-stockings is when your mate is about to pick-up, but you don't know how long it's going to be. So the stockings are as high as they are long.
Sept. 20, 2023, 5:47 p.m.
An active response in this particular definition is when someone responds to a conversation by putting on music that relates to what is talked about or cites a book and brings it up, or something similar. It's a way of bringing disparate beginning thoughts together.
Tasteful aura
Oct. 8, 2023, 3:51 p.m.
When you come across a particular vibe that is radiant in colour and form it can be seen as auraliscious if you know what you're perceiving.